Kranio – Sacral Therapy

Cranio-Sacral therapy (CST) to point to the healthy performance of the central nervous system, running a gentle healing form applied by hand.

CST deep healing for your soul and your body and brings a new vitality is a holistic method.

The human body has three different rhythm. The rhythm of the heart beat, breathing, and mostly ignored by the traditional medicine of the nervous system rhythm.

We are constantly in contact with the environment we live in. Duyularımızla do we perceive the outside world; our eyes, ears, nose, and lips with the help of our senses of touch with the outside world, we noticed. Our findings to the brain transmits and we will act according to the command buizlenimlerimize field we have a nervous system. We try to avoid situations like we're able to or. In this situation if it wasn't for pleasure, desire, aversion or hatred we react with. According to these bodies, loosening or declines.

The nervous system plays a very important role for our health. Içerisindek mind-oriented and fuss, I our world to push us to linger while enforcing feelings/renewal weakens the nervous system without us permission. Just like the violin tune is like a lot of the wire while the ger breaking off.

So, we exposed to pain and diseases. Mind, body and emotions are connected to each other the Holy beings we are, after all, panic attacks, depression and ajitasyona we're exposed to.

Cranio-sacral therapy is a unique form of studies, works directly on the nervous system and establishes a connection between traditional and alternative medicine. The therapist will gently tapping inspection body, nervous system rhythm – kranio, sacrum, or places like the spine – and tissues, organs and bone in releasing restores mobility of clogging. CST releasing deep tensions in the body aches and relaxes the whole body health and function disorder and improves performance

The area around the brain and spinal cord normalleştirerek and enhances the power of the body's ability to repair itself. CST, stroke and neurological disorder or an emotional disorder, chronic pain and sports injuries of the body it is possible to alleviate all the various disorders.

Creating a solid foundation for your health!

Activates the body's natural healing processes can be used as a preventive health measure the CST, and will be effective for a wide range of medical issues:

Sciatica, Herniated Disc – Arthritis, Rheumatism
Asthma, Allergy – Sleep Disorders
Central Nervous System Disorders-Disorders Of Motor Coordination
Baby and child diseases – traumatic brain and spinal cord Injuries
Scoliosis, Fibromyalgia and other connective-tissue disorders
Add/ADHD – concentration and learning disabilities/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Neurovascular or immune system Disorders
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Post-Surgical Function Disorders
Pregnancy and after pregnancy mom and Baby Care
PCs and gynecological problems – Kurtaj Traumas

Cranio-Sacral therapy, emotional problems, and directs the spiritual development:

Stress and tension related problems
Depression, anger, pain, and emotional problems such as ansiyete
Dissolving of emotional trauma
Physical, emotional and mental awareness
Emotional and mental cleansing and purification
A higher confidence, courage and intuition
Strengthens the meditation practices
Allows you to cope with stress

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